
內科學誌 -第34卷第5期

Case Report of Type A Aortic Dissection Complicated with Bilateral Extensive Ppulmonary Hemorrhage and Pulmonary Artery Intramural Hematomae  全文閱讀
aortic dissection、 left ventriculography、 pulmonary artery intramural hematoma、 pulmonary hemorrhage 
栢添瀧1,2 、洪惠風1,2 、顏羽彤3,4 、陳冠任1,2  
新光吳火獅紀念醫院內科部心臟內科1 、新光吳火獅紀念醫院內科部2 、新光吳火獅紀念醫院外科部心臟血管外科3 、44  
      Aortic dissection with extensive involvement of other branching vessels is a serious concern and has a grave prognosis. Although its occurrence is rare, vessel dissection can extend from the ascending aorta to the pulmonary artery because they share a common vessel adventitia and this can result in pulmonary artery intramural hematoma or pulmonary artery dissection, with blood leakage into the pulmonary alveoli. Herein, we report a case of Stanford type A aortic dissection with suspected involvement of the pulmonary artery, which contributed to an extensive pulmonary hemorrhage as revealed by computed tomography. Furthermore, left ventriculography revealed subsequent enhancement of the bilateral pulmonary arteries, thus yielding additional support to the notion that this complication can occur in patients with type A aortic dissection. In addition to a dissected vessel flap and intramural hematoma over the pulmonary artery, extensive pulmonary hemorrhage that results from unstoppable blood leakage into vulnerable lung alveoli may be an indirect but significant clue for potential concomitant pulmonary artery intramural hematoma or dissection.